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From in-depth data and insights to thoroughly-vetted, unbiased reviews, we make it incredibly easy for you to find and decide on your dental school.

Who can benefit from GSG?

No matter your situation we can help!

We’ve been there. Applying to dental school is a stressful process, so we strive to make your life significantly easier.

Do you have average or below-average grades or DAT scores?

Are you worried about your chances of getting into dental school? Are you looking for any edge you can get to improve the number of schools at which you interview? We’ve created an easy-to-use table, so you can optimize your school list based on GPA, DAT scores, out-of-state acceptance rates, and many other factors in a matter of minutes.

Are you feeling confident in your grades and DAT scores?

Would you like to save money on applications by applying efficiently? Would you like to find the dental school that best fits your goals and interests? We have collected and curated unbiased student reviews and in-depth data to help you only apply to schools that align with your goals and career aspirations.

Would you like to have a leg-up during interviews?

The number one thing a school wants to know is why you’re interested in their program. Make your mark and stand out amongst the backdrop of interviewees by attaining the information needed to not only communicate your specific interest but to also ask important and insightful questions.

Save time and money on application fees.

GradSchoolGrades is built with you in mind. We are here to help you apply efficiently, save money, and have the best experience possible at dental school!

Why students love GSG

All the data, insights, and reviews in one place

GradSchoolGrades collects unbiased, thoroughly-vetted written reviews by students at each dental school, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at each school. Pair that information with up-to-date admissions and clinical data for every dental school in the United States, and you will be the best-informed applicant in the country.

No more endless Google searches or scrolling through decades-old SDN and facebook posts.

Get a side-by-side view with a simple tap or click

Our wishlist feature allows you to save each school of interest to you and provides a side-by-side comparison of detailed reports so you can easily compare insights such as tuition and fees, prerequisites, and so on. Say goodbye to those dreaded spreadsheets and hello to your precious time and peace of mind.

View grading for each school based on four crucial criteria

Using internal and external data points, as well as our student reviews of each program, we constructed algorithms assigning each school a “grade” in four categories: Clinical Experience, Research Opportunities, Specialization Rates, and Social Life – allowing you to quickly understand and identify the right schools for you according to your goals and priorities.

Know the good, the bad, and everything in between

Alongside data reports and dental school grades, our student reviews provide a first-hand“peak behind the curtain” you won’t find anywhere else. Our student reviewers speak openly and honestly about the best and worst parts of their specific school. You won’t find this information anywhere else!


Hear from former applicants

Not sure about the platform? No worries, see for yourself what our other applicants are saying.

How Catherine saved $1500 on her application fees

How Simran built her dental school list in a matter of minutes

How GSS’s In-depth insights and reviews helped Yoyo stand out among the competition during the interviews and successfully receive 9 “yes” from 11 schools she applied to

How Bryson tailored his applications to highlight his alignments with each school he applied to and increased the chances of receiving interview invites

The FAQs

Have a question?

Everything you need to know is listed in the FAQs down below.

Where do you get dental school information, such as admissions data?

How often is the data updated?

What are the dental school grades?

How do you grade schools?

How did you collect student reviews?

How do I use your product if I already have my top schools list?

Can your website help me prepare for the interviews?

Made by dental school graduates for dental school applicants

Why did we start GSG?

Everyone wants to attend the program that best fits their goals and values. We want programs with as many pros as possible and as few cons as possible. But ask yourself this: How will you learn each program’s pros and cons? The pros are easy enough to discover, as programs happily advertise their “good side”. You will find each program’s pros on their websites, school-produced content, and they will most certainly be present on interview day. The cons however, each program's unsightly underbelly, are more difficult to discover. They aren’t on the school website, they aren’t listed in the ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools, and they won’t be highlighted in the interview day presentation. We quickly realized this as we did our own search of schools to attend. We worked hard compiling all the information an applicant could and should know before applying and wanted to share it with everyone through GradSchoolGrades.

Choosing a dental school will be the biggest investment of time and money you have ever made. We started GradSchoolGrades as a way for students to get the full picture and find their best fit. The information on this site cannot be found anywhere else; it makes the application process easier and less costly by minimizing the number of schools you apply to and saving you valuable time.

Trevor Oliverson

I grew up in Utah, and did my undergraduate studies there as well. During those undergrad years I set my sights on pursuing dental school. I was fortunate to attend the University of North Carolina Adams School of Dentistry. This ultimately led me to the Mayo Clinic, where I’m now completing my Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery residency.

Parker Green

I also grew up in Utah, and did my undergraduate studies at BYU. I meticulously researched dental schools while applying and luckily ended up at Columbia University College of the Dental Medicine, which was definitely the school that fit me best. I'm now an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery resident at Texas A&M University. I want all applicants to have my same experience by finding the school that fits them best; the creation of GradSchoolGrades came naturally from that desire. I saw and heard so many dental students who were miserable at their dental school not because their school was any worse than others, but because their school didn't fit them and their goals! Let us help you avoid that same fate.

Your ideal dental school is a click away.

Start your search or take the GSG Quiz to get matched with a curated list of dental schools that best fit your wants and needs.